While I was in Arizona a couple weeks back, I managed to visit a couple of quilt shops. One of the places that I visited was Bernina Connection in Phoenix. This store is a very small store for what they have to offer. I could have spent a long time in there, but my daughter always has other plans.
While there, looking for new inspiration and fun colored thread, my daughter found the Disney Character section. Between, her, my mom and some of the store staff, I could not leave with out getting something Disney related. Besides, my two year old asked me to “cut it mommy!” How could I say no to that?
I quickly decided that I would make her a pillow case. I managed to find a fun pink and purple fabric to match for the cuff of the pillow case. I used my mom’s serger to stitch it together, 30 minutes later…. here is what I created…
I would say that she likes her Pillowcase a lot!
Love it!!!!!